At 12:44 AM 6/7/2003 -0400, Becoming Digital wrote:
"Personally, I prefer Apache over IIS (or PWS, as the case may be), even in a
WinXP environment."

Joining the Linux/Apache bandwagon is one of my goals. I even got Linux installed on my computer a couple months ago. But I've been so overwhelmed, I haven't even had time to play with it. I've spent most of my time learning to use DreamWeaver and Cascading Style Sheets - along with a few other basic skills - and working on a revision of my website. Now I can't even get into Linux; it won't accept my password!

"Certain aspects of my work require that I use just such a configuration on a regular basis and, while not as stable as Linux/BSD might be, I think it's better than whatever MS supplies with the operating system."

I'd kind of like to get it set up on Windows, so I can use it as a crutch while I (hopefully) get up and running with Linux. I'm definitely going to move my website(s) to a Linux server. I'm so sick of Microsoft, for professional, political and personal reasons!

"I did a search on Google and was able to find a setup tutorial that may be
helpful.  Good luck.";

I'll check it out. Thanks!

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