Not a silly question... we all had to start somewhere...
you can do it during the create table ( primary key )

or after

what indexes do...
  lets say you do ALOT of queries on column user_id in the table user...
 "select * from user where user_id = x" or you sort,join,match on user_id
Then indexes will use a little more memory and it will make those queries a
little (sometimes ALOT) faster.

However, if you are inserting new rows ALOT vs selects... then indexes might
actually slow you down a little because the database has to write to the
table and then write to the index on each insert...

So you dont want to add indexes on EVERY column... just the ones that you
select or sory on most of the time.

Good Luck

Also check this out for a little help

-----Original Message-----
From: Henrik Leghissa [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2003 9:42 AM
To: Christopher Knight
Subject: RE: mysqld question

At 16:39 2003-06-24, Christopher Knight wrote:
>it really depends on
>  how big your database is
>  what else is running on the server (apache..)

Well, it has some free capacity, both cpu and memory-wise.

>  what version are you running


>  what is your mom's maiden name
>  if you look at the sun, how long to you blink


>  Id start w/ making sure you have indexes.  They help abunch.

Pardon my stupid question, but where do I set these? (and the syntax etc)


  / H

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