On Saturday, June 28, 2003, at 03:43 PM, MyLists wrote:

otherguy wrote:

That gets me halfway there

Does it?

Yes, it does.

No, I don't think it does, upon further consideration and testing... I thought it did b/c I read, and misinterpreted the UNION documentation....

In your original question, you'd indicated that you only
wanted zips where *both* criteria were met -- enough CIRGs and enough
CILTs. By using a UNION, you'll be getting zips where *either* is met.

This is right.

No. The key is that each independent query was returing the results he
wanted - so, the UNION statement will simple append these two results into
one long dataset - the WHERE clause, criteria, or even the number of records
is really not affected.

So is this. If I just needed to know that quota had been met for EITHER, then this would work perfectly for me.

The key for my situation is that I need ONLY the records that exist in BOTH.

Any other thoughts for this, or am I bumping up against the limits of SQL in general?

Thanks again!
-Cameron Wilhelm

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