Hello gang,

This may be a very simple question and possibly could have a very simple
solution to it. Since I have been using mysql for less than 2 months, I
still consider myself a newbie.... I still cannot execute certain
commands from my dos prompt, but I can run queries easily using
phpmyadmin. I have purchased MYSQL Second Edition (Paul Dubois) so I
hope to put it to good use soon....

The question that is of concern to me this morning is the prefered way
to start mysql. I seem to think that I always have a problem because
when I start my PC, mysql is already running as a service. But I am
thinking that because I login to my PC as any user other than the dbase
username, I have a problem afterwards.

Must I always log on to my PC (Win2K) as the same user as the created
user in my DBase in order for mysql to run properly?

All advices are welcome.



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