The table is in the SQL statement. "Select * from table_name"   If you
really want my code it's very long. I will paste in the stuff that's
relevant. It's at the bottom.

If it's a PHP matter why does the same code connecting to a 3.23 server work
perfectly fine.  This same EXACT code works perfectly with the site that is
on server 2 (i.e. connecting via localhost NOT server to server).

My code:
/* This is the code to connect to the database.  $dh: host, $du: user, $dp:
password, $db: database.   Adding debug code showed all information that I
wanted to pass was correctly passed.  */
if ($config['pconn'] == 1) {
        $conn = @mysql_pconnect($dh,$du,$dp);
    } else {
        $conn = @mysql_connect($dh,$du,$dp);
    if (!$conn) {
        echo "FATAL ERROR: No connection to database.<BR>";
        $error = "FATAL ERROR: No connection to database.<BR>\nError: " .
mysql_error() . "\nUsed:\n  host: " . $dh . "\n  user: " . $dp . "\n  pass:
" . $dp;
    } else {
        $dbs = @mysql_select_db($db, $conn);
        if (!$dbs) {
            echo "FATAL ERROR: Could not select database.<BR>";
            $error = "FATAL ERROR: Could not select database.<BR>\nError: "
. mysql_error() . "\nUsed:\n  host: " . $dh . "\n  user: " . $du . "\n
pass: " . $dp;
        } else {
            return $conn;

/*function for performing the mysql_query() You will notice the commented
out line there, that is the work-around that I employed to force the
database name for all the tables (my application uses the xno_ prefix for
all tables)  I should not have to do that. */

function db_query($query, $dconn = false) {
    global $conn, $config;
    if (!$conn) {         // if connection isn't there, connect to db
        $conn = db_connect($config);
    if (!$dconn) $dconn = $conn;  //if $dconn is false (not using a
                                  //different connection) then set it.
    //$query = str_replace("xno_",$config["dbname"].".xno_",$query);
    $ret = @mysql_query($query, $dconn);
    echo db_error(0)."<br>";      //my debug code.
    return $ret;

On 8/18/03 10:34 AM this was written:

> You have selected my_database as database. What about the table? Put some of
> your code to clarify the problem. It's a PHP matter.
> Iulian
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Thomas Deliduka" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2003 5:14 PM
> Subject: Server to Server Connection
>> I have written this to the PHP-DB list and couldn't get any answers.  I
> have
>> gone through all the documentation I could find. I have been everywhere
> and
>> cannot find an answer to this problem!  Perhaps someone on this list can
>> lend me some insight?!
>> I think, at heart, the problem is with MySQL permissions or some way 4.0
>> handles connections across a network, however I just cannot figure it out.
>> I'm using PHP 4.3.2+MySQL 4.0.14 on server 1
>> Server 1, however, is connecting to Server 2 which has MySQL 4.0.12
>> I have permissions on the 4.0.12 server setup like:
>> user:
>>     localhost    user1 all main privs are 'N' except for "File_priv"
>>     192.168.1.% user1 all main privs are 'N' except for "File_priv"
>>     (internal SAN).
>> db:
>>     %            user11 my_database all main privs set to "Y" (select,
>> insert,update, delete, create, drop, references, index, alter)
>> If I use the command-line interface from server 1 to server 2 it works
>> perfectly fine.
>> I'm using PHP connection to do code like:
>> $conn = mysql_connect("","user1","pass");
>> mysql_select_db("my_database",$conn);
>> mysql_select_db returns true.
>> My queries are like:
>> mysql_query($sql,$conn);
>> So I'm using the proper connection.
>> The webpage mysql_error outputs "select command denied to user:
>> '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' for table 'table_name'"
>> For every table. And I wonder what the heck is this for because the select
>> priv is on for that table in the 'db' table.
>> So, what I did was change the 'user' table with select_priv to "Y" which
>> basically make this user a super-user for every table. After doing this I
>> get these errors:
>> Table 'another_database.table_name' doesn't exist.
>> I didn't select another_database as my table! I selected my_database as my
>> table!  Why the heck is it selecting the wrong table?!
>> So, I added a ton of bebugging code.  I confirmed that just before calling
>> mysql_select_db() I had the right table in the variable.  I confirmed I'm
>> only making one database connection, not two.  I confirmed that this user
>> has no permissions for another_database with that user/pass.  I confirmed
>> the same Reference ID for $conn. Is being used in every case.
>> I know the reason I'm getting the initial "select command denied" error is
>> because it's still selecting another_database for the table and I don't
> have
>> permissions for that unless I add it for super-user like I did.
>> A work around (which will not work once I get this site in production) is
> to
>> do a search/replace on the SQL strings and add "my_database." to every
>> database table. Once the SQL command becomes "select xxx from
>> my_database.table_name" it works fine but this is not what I can do in the
>> end.  What the heck could be the problem?!  Why doesn't PHP select the
> right
>> table?!
>> This problem happens with persistant or non-persistant connections.
>> Oh, and another site using the same code and the same PHP install (same
>> server1) but connecting to a 3.23.xx database works perfectly fine. Just
> to
>> throw a wrench in the works.
>> I've been through all of the mysql docs can't find a thing.  Do you guys
>> know where I'm going wrong?
>> --
>> Thomas Deliduka
>> IT Manager
>>      -------------------------
>> Xenocast
>> Street Smart Media Solutions
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Thomas Deliduka
IT Manager
Street Smart Media Solutions

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