At 10:14 -0400 8/18/03, Thomas Deliduka wrote:
I have written this to the PHP-DB list and couldn't get any answers.  I have
gone through all the documentation I could find. I have been everywhere and
cannot find an answer to this problem!  Perhaps someone on this list can
lend me some insight?!

We can't tell. You don't show any of your queries.

Also, you use "server" is ambiguous fashion.  It seems to mean web server
in some cases, and MySQL server in other cases.  So it's not really clear
what your setup is.  We might guess correctly, but you're more likely to
get a better response if you re-read your message from the point of view
of someone who knows nothing of your setup to see if such a person would
have an idea of what you're trying to say.  Where that is not true, please
try to add clarifying details.

I think, at heart, the problem is with MySQL permissions or some way 4.0 handles connections across a network, however I just cannot figure it out.

I'm using PHP 4.3.2+MySQL 4.0.14 on server 1
Server 1, however, is connecting to Server 2 which has MySQL 4.0.12

I have permissions on the 4.0.12 server setup like:
    localhost    user1 all main privs are 'N' except for "File_priv"
    192.168.1.% user1 all main privs are 'N' except for "File_priv"
    (internal SAN).

    %            user11 my_database all main privs set to "Y" (select,
insert,update, delete, create, drop, references, index, alter)

If I use the command-line interface from server 1 to server 2 it works
perfectly fine.

I'm using PHP connection to do code like:

$conn = mysql_connect("","user1","pass");

mysql_select_db returns true.

My queries are like:
So I'm using the proper connection.

The webpage mysql_error outputs "select command denied to user:
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' for table 'table_name'"

For every table. And I wonder what the heck is this for because the select
priv is on for that table in the 'db' table.

So, what I did was change the 'user' table with select_priv to "Y" which
basically make this user a super-user for every table. After doing this I
get these errors:

Table 'another_database.table_name' doesn't exist.

I didn't select another_database as my table! I selected my_database as my
table!  Why the heck is it selecting the wrong table?!

So, I added a ton of bebugging code.  I confirmed that just before calling
mysql_select_db() I had the right table in the variable.  I confirmed I'm
only making one database connection, not two.  I confirmed that this user
has no permissions for another_database with that user/pass.  I confirmed
the same Reference ID for $conn. Is being used in every case.

I know the reason I'm getting the initial "select command denied" error is
because it's still selecting another_database for the table and I don't have
permissions for that unless I add it for super-user like I did.

A work around (which will not work once I get this site in production) is to
do a search/replace on the SQL strings and add "my_database." to every
database table. Once the SQL command becomes "select xxx from
my_database.table_name" it works fine but this is not what I can do in the
end.  What the heck could be the problem?!  Why doesn't PHP select the right

This problem happens with persistant or non-persistant connections.

Oh, and another site using the same code and the same PHP install (same
server1) but connecting to a 3.23.xx database works perfectly fine. Just to
throw a wrench in the works.

I've been through all of the mysql docs can't find a thing.  Do you guys
know where I'm going wrong?


Thomas Deliduka
IT Manager
Street Smart Media Solutions

Paul DuBois, Senior Technical Writer
Madison, Wisconsin, USA

Are you MySQL certified?

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