
OOh! You're taking me back a few years. As best I remember, the 'HAVING'
operator applies to the results returned by the query not in shaping the
results to be generated. For example, if you have a table that stores
trouble tickets per user. You select the user's last name, first name, and
number of tickets they've called in. In your query, you use a 'Having'
statement to only see people who've had more than 1-ticket (see example

-- Example Query:
-- Query returns a list of users that have had more than one 
-- trouble ticket with a severity greater than 4 (severity is
-- 1 through 5).

SELECT COUNT(tkt.*), tkt.last_name, tkt.first_name
  FROM tbl_trouble_tickets AS tkt
 WHERE tkt.severity > 4
 HAVING COUNT(tkt.*) > 1;

-- Example Result:

3, Jackson, Janet
2, Jackson, Michael

The RDMS is going to first retrieve a record set with count, last name,
first name for all users with tickets of severity greater than 4. From THAT
recordset the DBMS will display items with a count greater than 1.

The point being, 'HAVING' only operates on the recordset retrieved from the
prefixing query. Therefore, if a field doesn't exist in the query, you
cannot use it in the 'HAVING' statement.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefano Fraccaro [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 9:44 AM
Subject: HAVING column not in select_statement

I have a query with a column in HAVING clause that not refer any column
listed in SELECT statement because I don't need to group by this column and
... this query don't work.
It's possible or this feature is planned for the future?

Any solution?


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