Francis Mak wrote:
> - I am 100% sure that all scripts are using include
> ("db.php"); so all pages are using the same login and
> password and hostname
> - since I am using password, so it shows "Using Password YES" as well.
> - The error indeed occured on the same page. e.g. when you
> are viewing index.php, it may run successfully.  and you keep
> on refreshing your browser on the same page, 'sometimes' it
> will show the error.
> for your ref., below are the connect function used in my
> db.php(which is just a very common function):
>       $dbhost="localhost";
>       $dbuser="auser";
>       $dbpwd="pass";
>       $dbname="dbname";
>       function connectdb(){
>               global $dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd, $dbname;
>               ($dbname) ? $dbname : $dbname = $dbuser;
>               $dbh = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpwd)
>                       or die("Failed to connect database
> server ".mysql_error()."
> ".mysql_errno());
>               mysql_select_db("$dbname")
>                       or die("Unable to select database");
>               return $dbh;
>       }
> thanks!!
> Wouter, you replied so quick, ;)

Yes, I replied quick. That's because I'm at work and have nothing better to
do :D. When I'm at home it usually takes me a bit longer.

Anyways, this error, does it ONLY occur on index.php? Or also on other

Now that I have read Duncan's remarks (also quick in his replies), it may be
a bug in the alpha version. Though I still don't believe in the random part,
since there must be something internal in MySQL that does it with some kind
of pattern. 

Before you 'regrant', I'd advice you to first clear the previous grant.
You'd probably do that out of instinct, .. though. If that doesn't solve,
you might go with Duncan's thing. The No Password. But be carefull you don't
do that on your production server. Or, in my eyes better yet, downgrade to
the latest stable verion of MySQL. And compile it yourself, .. always better
since it's totally fit for your system then.

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