I am in the process of migrating a database and some code from an MSSQL
database and am running into a little problem with some queries.  Would
appreciate any help anyone could offer.
I currently have this query which runs fine when using either MSSQL or
Access.  However, when I run it against MySQL I get an error. 
select l.ltsysid,l.lientraknum, c.name from lientrak as l, customer as c
where l.custsysid=c.custsysid
and l.ltsysid in (select l2.ltsysid from lientrak as l2 where l2.lientraknum
like '2003-%')
Normally I pass in the '2003-%' as a variable.
MySql Front gives me the following error:
'You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to
your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'select
l2.ltsysid from lientrak as l2 where l2.lientraknum like'
I am running MySQL Front version 2.5, and MySql version 4.0.15.

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