I am having problems with making a connection between my website and the MySQL db on a different server. I have tried both hand coding and using the MyOLEDB application for MySQL. What am I doing wrong? If you think this looks a little strange, it is because it is a dreamweaver connection file.

This is an error that I get when I try to browser the site:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
/csi/index.asp, line 8

This is the code on index.asp, line 8:
Recordset.ActiveConnection = MM_connection_STRING

and here is the code from the connection file: <% ' FileName="Connection_odbc_conn_dsn.htm" ' Type="ADO" ' DesigntimeType="ADO" ' HTTP="false" ' Catalog="" ' Schema="" Dim MM_connection_STRING MM_connection_STRING = "Driver={ mySQL };" & _ " Server =servername.com;" & _ " Port =3306;" & _ " Option =131072;" & _ "Stmt=;" & _ "Database=databasename_db;" & _ "Uid=database_user;" & _ "Pwd=database_pass" %>

Can somebody please tell me what is wrong with this? My ISP is a reseller who has no experience of MySQL and because he is the customer (not me) they will only talk to him. Besides that they are quite useless when it comes to dreamweaver.



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