Brian L. Walter wrote:


I'm in the process of migrating from Access to MySQL.  I've imported access
queries into MySQL, and they do show up (using a third party db manager,
they show up under tools).

In Access, queries can be used like views. I.e. you can select from them.
Now, the version of MySQL I'm using does not support views, and it would
take a fair amount of re-coding to my application to restructure it to not
use queries/views.

My question is, since the queries appear in the database, and can be
executed, how does one access them programically?  I'm going through ODBC,
and currently just do a select on the query name.  This works for both
Access, and MS SQL Server.  Is there a way to do the same using MySQL?

Hope this makes sense....

Well firstly, no I'm not quite sure what you're asking.

That said, I'm putting together a couple of pages that deal with the sort of questions you're likely to have. It's not finished yet ( I'm weeding throught the html that OpenOffice created and removing crap at the moment ), but maybe you can pick something from it: and

If you are still using Access as the front-end, you can leave most of your queries as they are. But the above pages show you how to set up pass-through queries, which will give you much better performance. There is also a small section on using ADO to talk to MySQL.

If you have any more questions ( or someone has suggestions / criticism of my little how-to ) please email back. Like I said, I'm not done yet...


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