Obviously I wrote my original message too quickly and did not make myself clear. I am well aware that DB2 and numerous other commercial products work on Linux. What I meant to say was that, of all of the products that I could find listed on www.mysql.com for converting data from Oracle to MySQL, all of the commercial products except SQLPorter are written specifically for MS Windows and do not have Linux versions. That leaves the most obvious options for converting the data in my Oracle database to MySQL being oracledump.pl or rolling my own solution. If there are other tools that will do the job easily, either open source or low-cost commercial, I would like to hear about them.

Rhino wrote:

I don't have any insight into your problem but I want to take exception with
your assertion that no other commercial products work on Linux. In fact, DB2
works on Linux and has for some time. Here's a link to information about
this product: http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/

If you nose around the IBM site a bit, you should be able to find a free
full-function copy of DB2 for Linux. (By free, I mean you don't need a
licence for it unless you use it in production. This enables you to get very
acquainted with DB2 for free and only buy a licence if you like it enough to
use it in production.)


----- Original Message ----- From: "J. Allen Crider" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 18, 2004 10:54 PM
Subject: oracledump.pl error

I have just decided to try to learn something about MySQL after several
years of working with Oracle and wanted to transfer the data I have in
an Oracle 9i database to a new MySQL database.  Since this is strictly
for personal use, I can't justify the cost of SQLPorter, and none of the
other commercial products work on Linux, so I decided to try
oracledump.pl. However, I am getting the following error when I attempt
to run it:

DBD::Oracle::st execute failed: ORA-01459: invalid length for variable
character string (DBD ERROR: OCIStmtExecute) [for statement ``SELECT
                           FROM USER_TAB_COLUMNS a, USER_COL_COMMENTS b
                           WHERE a.TABLE_NAME = ? AND b.TABLE_NAME =
:p1='ALBUMS']) at ./oracledump.pl line 471.

(followed by several other errors obviously caused by this error.)

Running the same statement in sqlplus works fine.

I am running Oracle 9i Release 2 on Gentoo Linux.  Any ideas on what I'm
doing wrong?

Allen Crider
Huntsville, AL

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