Neale Banks wrote:

> Should we presume you haven't noticed the, admittedly not widely
> publicised, Database Access features of  You can use odbc
> or jdbc (I can only vouch for the latter, on Linux) to connect to the
> mysql server from within OOo.  "Should" work just fine on your XP box.
> To get started, open a new spreadseet (or any other kind of document) and
> select View->Data Sources (or F4).  Once you've defined the database
> connection and the query your original question reduces to dragging the
> query result and dropping it into the spreadsheet :-)

Hmmm, I've never quite been able to get there (00o 1.1.0): I'm able to connect to 
MySQL (easily) but I get a selection of tables for the wrong database.  So close!  Any 

A while back I actually splurged and spent $5.50 on a Perl program someone wrote to do 
this [] and it works just fine - writing to 
Excel.  Very quick, beats point and click.

I guess I should have written something like that myself, but it's hard to beat 5 
bucks, and I just could not write such a program fast enough to make doing it myself a 
better deal (and if one writes all the tools along the way, one may lose sight of the 

Eric Pederson
Eric at zomething dot com

P.S.  I also wanted something to quick summarize my field definitions across the 
database for review, so I made a little script in Python which produces a HTML summary 
of the table definitions.  I find it helpful documentation.  You need Python on your machine to run 
it.  Feedback invited.

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