SELECT <rest of query> into OUTFILE "<some place the mysql user can write 

Should get you a tab delimited file  there are more options for using 
different delimiters and field encapsulations, etc.  Its in the manual.


On Sun, 29 Feb 2004, Joshua Beall wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am wondering if anyone can point me to a utility that will let me dump
> the
> result of a MySQL query to a file I can open in MS Excel or (preferably)
> Calc.
> phpMyAdmin lets you do this if you want to dump a "SELECT * FROM
> <table>",
> but if I want to fine tune it I cannot (unless I am missing something)
> MySQL CC lets me save the result of a query to a test file "right
> click->save results", but this format does not quite conform to either
> Excel
> or Calc's text format.  I could fix it by hand, but before I would do
> that,
> I think I would write a PHP script that would generate the right output.
> But before I spend any time working on doing that, I am wondering if
> anyone
> knows of a way to do this already?
> I am running MySQL 4.0.12-standard on Mandrake 9.2 on the server, and my
> workstation is an XP Pro box.  I use MySQL CC 0.9.1-beta and phpMyAdmin
> 2.5.0, but am completely willing to upgrade more recent versions of
> either
> of these tools, or try a new one.
> Thanks for any feedback!
> Sincerely,
>   -Josh
> p.s. How do I use my newsreader to post to these mailing lists?  I see
> that seems to carry the mysql lists, but it would not let
> me post, telling me (even after I was subscribed to the list with the
> same email address I use in my newsreader):
> Outlook Express could not post your message.  Subject 'Dumping MySQL
> result set to a spreadsheet', Account: '', Server:
> '', Protocol: NNTP, Server Response: '441 You are not
> allowed to approve postings', Port: 119, Secure(SSL): No, Server Error:
> 441, Error Number: 0x800CCCA9

Curtis Maurand

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