Start another Mysql shell session; then do "show processlist"; identify the thread ID of the offending process, then do "kill <ID>". Not sure how graceful this method is, though. I use it to kill overlooked hanging connections from time to time.


Scott Haneda wrote:

Every now and then I am not thking and I am working on the mysql shell and I
send it a select name from table;
Just so happens there are a few hundred K of records.
What I meant to do is LIMIT 10;

Anyway, how do I get mysql to stop, the best I can do is control-C, but that
leaves mysql altogether and I have to log back in again.

Also, sometimes I am able to use the tab key to auto-complete field and
table names, this is really handy, sometimes it works and sometimes not, how
do I get this all the time?

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