On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 11:19:50AM +0100, Russell Horn wrote the following:
> > The man page says 
> > 
> > /usr/bin/mysqladmin -u user -p somepassword
> > 
> Not here it doesn't. My man page says:
>       mysqladmin [-#|--debug= logfile] [-f|--force]  [-?|--help]
>        [--character-sets-dir=directory]           [-C|--compress]
>        [-h|--host=[#]] [-p[pwd]]  [--password=[pwd]]  [-P|--port=
>        pnum]   [-i|--sleep=  sec]  [-E|--vertical]  [-s|--silent]
>        [-S|--socket=   #]   [-r|--relative]   [-t|--timeout=   #]
>        [-u|--user=     uname]    [-v|--verbose]    [-V|--version]
>        [-w|--wait[=retries]]
> Which means you would user either:
> /usr/bin/mysqladmin -uuser -psomepassword
> or
> /usr/bin/mysqladmin --user=user --pass=somepassword
> Both of which work from my command line.

Neither of the above worked for me with the possible exception of the user
field as I had not had any problems with it. That's okay though as I'm now
having problems with the mysqlaccess command.

Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. http://joseph-a-nagy-jr.homelinux.org
Political Activist Extraordinaire       Peace, Life, Liberty
"The only fallacy is the inaction on our part to stave off the worst of 
horrors, the stripping of personal freedom." -- Joseph A. Nagy, Jr. January 2004

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