Hello, all!

I am porting my Visual Basic app over from MSDE to MySQL, and things so far are going quite well. I've found most of the "gotcha" differences in how I need to structure my queries, but I am having trouble with one in particular.

In my original code, I could use one query to get a total count of records, a count of records meeing a criteria (Status = "Complete"), and an average on another field for the records meeting that criteria. It looked like this in code:

SQLStr = "SELECT DoneCount=(SELECT Count(*) FROM " & flist & " WHERE Status = 'Complete'), " & _
"TotalCount=(SELECT Count(*) FROM " & flist & "), " & _
"AvgRenderTime=(SELECT Avg(renderminutes) FROM " & flist & " WHERE Status = 'Complete')"

The resulting SQL query would look something like this:

SQLStr = "SELECT DoneCount=(SELECT Count(*) FROM tableFLIST WHERE Status = 'Complete'), TotalCount=(SELECT Count(*) FROM tableFLIST), AvgRenderTime=(SELECT Avg(renderminutes) FROM tableFLIST WHERE Status = 'Complete')

Now, in MySQL, I get syntax errors in the query - most of them around "TotalCount=" in this example. In my investigation, I found that I could break the one query apart and execute three calls to get the information I needed, like this:

SQLStr = "SELECT count(*) as TotalCount FROM " & flist
rs.Open SQLStr
totalFrames = rs!totalcount
SQLStr = " SELECT Count(*) AS DoneCount FROM " & flist & " WHERE Status = 'Complete'"
rs.Open SQLStr
doneframes = rs!donecount

SQLStr = "SELECT Avg(renderminutes) as AvgRenderTime FROM " & flist & " WHERE Status = 'Complete'"
rs.Open SQLStr
So now that I've made a long story even longer, my question is simply this - is there a way to execute all three selects within the same query, as I was able to do when my database was MSDE? It seems that it would be more efficient than making three hits on the database when one would suffice.

Many thanks for any help you can provide!


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