fr0g wrote:

Good evening all.

I'm facing a problem with a specific table and the uniques that it has.
I have a table, hosting data of peoples names.
Some of it's columns are, name_english, surname_english, name_original, surname_original, name_greek, surname_greek.
I have as unique each combination of columns of the same language (i.e. name_english, surname_english, unique, etc).

As I am "Robert James Taylor" I can give anecdotal evidence that full name does by no means make a good candidate key for a database of any population larger than...say....George Foreman's immediate family (he named all his boys the exact same name, if you didn't catch the reference). More than once I have entered confusing periods of mis-identification due to database designers relying on name alone to match people.

In fact, a short tale that is true. I moved from one West Coast state to another in 1998 and was denied a drivers license after passing the tests will flying colors because I had "a DUI conviction" in an East Coast state. The other Robert James Taylor, who was born the same year and day I was, fortunately had a different Social Security Number (which is not a panacea either...but I digress). This may sound far-fetched and unlikely to happen again but it was real, scary and made me curse database designers at the DMV.

Please don't do that.


Robert James Taylor
West Coast and Sober

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