I think you understand. Here is how I would re-write the query to use the 
new table:

$query = "SELECT 
        FROM listings l
        INNER JOIN publishers p
                ON l.PublisherID=p.PublisherID
        INNER JOIN composers c
                ON l.ComposerID=c.ComposerID
        INNER JOIN arrangers a
                ON l.ArrangerID=a.ArrangerID 
        INNER JOIN listings_categories lc
                ON l.ListingID = lc.ListingID
        INNER JOIN categories o
                ON lc.CategoryID = o.CategoryID
        WHERE o.Name='".$Category."'
      ORDER BY ".$OrderBy;

(That's just the style I prefer as I can more easily spot which "match-up" 
conditions belong to which sets of tables. That way I am less likely to 
leave one out and accidentally create a cartesian product of any two 
tables. The comma separated style you use is absolutely, perfectly valid.)

Shawn Green
Database Administrator
Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine

"Erich Beyrent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/04/2004 12:39:55 

> I think I understand.  So instead of my queries being centered around
> the listings table, they will be centered around this new table?
> Currently, I pull the records for each category like so:
> $query = "select 
>             l.CatalogNumber, 
>             l.PDFLink, 
>             l.PDFName, 
>             l.MP3Name, 
>             l.Title, 
>             p.PublisherName, 
>             c.ComposerLname, 
>       a.ArrangerLname, 
>             l.Price, 
>             l.Description, 
>             l.DiscountID, 
>             l.DiscountType, 
>             l.DiscountAmount, 
>             o.Alias, 
>             l.Description 
>           from 
>             listings l, 
>             publishers p, 
>       composers c, 
>             arrangers a, 
>             categories o 
>        where 
>             l.CategoryID=o.CategoryID and 
>             o.Name='".$Category."' and 
>             l.PublisherID=p.PublisherID and
>       l.ComposerID=c.ComposerID and 
>             l.ArrangerID=a.ArrangerID 
>           order by ".$OrderBy;
> To follow your example, I would add these other fields to the
> listings_projects table you defined below, and restructure the query
> around that?
> Thanks for your insight!
> -Erich-
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2004 11:51 AM
> Subject: Re: Design Question
> As posted, your data structure supports two one-to-many relationships,
> not 
> the one-to-one relationships as you described. You can have multiple 
> Listings per Category and multiple Categories per Group.  What it sounds
> like you have been asked to do is to support a many-to-many
> relationship. 
> You need to support both  multiple Listings per Category and multiple 
> Categories per Listing. 
> As you have it now:
> Groups (1..*) Categories (1..*) Listings
> As you need it to be:
> Groups (1..*) Categories (*..*) Listings
> To create a (*..*) relationship between two tables, you need a third 
> table.  Each entry in this table represents one Listing-Category 
> association (relationship).
> CREATE TABLE listings_projects (
>         ListingID bigint not null
>         , CategoryID int
>         , ... any additional fields as needed ...
>         , PRIMARY KEY (ListingID, CategoryID)
> )
> The primary key ensures that at each Listing/Category combination
> appears 
> only once (no duplicate assignments). I showed you where additional
> fields 
> can fit into the relation table because sometimes there are facts about 
> relationships that do not fit into either of the tables they relate  A 
> recent example in this list was a relation table between chemical 
> compounds and the various plants in which those compounds could be
> found. 
> A fact that belongs to the *relationship* could be the concentration of 
> that chemical in that plant. That concentration value would not belong
> to 
> the plants table nor would it belong to the compounds table but does 
> belong to the relationship of plant to compound. Make sense? I have 
> personally used additional fields like those to indicate "deletion".
> That 
> way "old" values are no longer available for new relationships (in my 
> applications) and my queries won't break as I didn't actually get rid of
> any information. My "historical" reports still function as the "old"
> names 
> are still in the system, even if you can't use the the old names for any
> current purposes.
> Yours,
> Shawn Green
> Database Administrator
> Unimin Corporation - Spruce Pine
> "Erich Beyrent" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 08/04/2004 10:35:33
> AM:
> > Hi all, 
> > 
> > I need some advice on a project I have.  Basically, I have some
> tables:
> > 
> > CREATE TABLE listings (
> >   ListingID bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >   CatalogNumber varchar(12) NOT NULL default '',
> >   PDFLink varchar(100) default NULL,
> >   PDFName varchar(80) default NULL,
> >   Title varchar(100) NOT NULL default '',
> >   ComposerID int(11) default NULL,
> >   ArrangerID int(11) default NULL,
> >   PublisherID int(11) default NULL,
> >   Price double(16,2) NOT NULL default '0.00',
> >   DiscountID int(11) default NULL,
> >   Description text,
> >   NewTitles tinyint(1) default NULL,
> >   CategoryID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (ListingID)
> > ) TYPE=MyISAM;
> > 
> > CREATE TABLE categories (
> >   CategoryID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >   Name varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   Alias varchar(60) default NULL,
> >   DiscountID int(11) default NULL,
> >   Description text,
> >   GroupID int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (CategoryID)
> > ) TYPE=MyISAM;
> > 
> > CREATE TABLE groups (
> >   GroupID int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >   Name varchar(50) default NULL,
> >   DiscountID int(11) default NULL,
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (GroupID)
> > ) TYPE=MyISAM;
> > 
> > 
> > Currently, there is a one-to-one relationship between listings and
> > categories, and listings and groups.  Now, the customer is requesting
> > that a listing be included in several categories.  I am not quite sure
> > how to do this.
> > 
> > My thought was to add a new field to the listings table that would
> > contain a comma-separated list of CategoryIDs, but something doesn't
> > feel right about this solution. 
> > 
> > What would be a good approach to this problem?
> > 
> > -Erich-
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
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