Paul Greidanus wrote:

Mark Edwards wrote:

I was thinking along these lines before Christmas when I wanted to temporarily add an extra disk for Christmas films to my server.
I added a bit of code to Myth to allow me to do this, a bit of a hack.

This added the Global preference: "VideoDirs" beneath the "RecordFilePrefix" option. This took a ":" separated list of dirs.
This only worked for playback and you had to manually copy files to these dirs. Also the expire system did not work here.

Some issues:
1. Would one directory be the master where files videos are stored
    and the other ones extra ones or should all dirs be
    equally used wherever space is available ?
2. If the directories are considered "extra" dirs MythTv
    could move all videos that are not marked to expire to these
    directories in the background automatically.

It didn't look like to much work to add although there were quite a few places whene "RecordFilePrefix" was used.

I've been considering this recently too but had thought of a different
I was thinking about extending the recording groups functionality to allow
you to specify that a certain recording group would record to a certain

Then I could have a recording group for members of the family with their own
recording group and their own disk-space which they could manage themselves.
(to an extent!)

It's a step further towards having multi-user functionality which I think
would be a v. useful feature


Sounds like a lot of people have been thinking of multiple disks for a while. I had some thoughts on it a few days ago, from a hack standpoint more then doing it right.. The multi-user thing is something that I'm also very interested in getting working.

But, my idea for extra video disks:
Write up a script, probably Bash, that has a record of which disks are to be used for secondary video storage (/video1, /video2, /video3). It checks for real files in /video, and after making sure they're not still being recorded, moves them to one of the video disks, based on available space on the secondary disks, and then makes a symlink in the /video disk for the recording. Then just run this script every few hours, every day, or whenever.
One problem with this is when MythTv deletes or autoexpires a recording.
With sybolic links (as in fact I have at the moment) only the symbolic
links get removed. There needs to be some code change in MythTv
to handle this ...


Alternately, LVM might be a much better solution, but then you get problems like loss of all the data on a single disk failure...
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