On 11/22/05, Mika Orajärvi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I think there's some bugs in the mentioned file and function regarding
> the names of the mysql tables/entries. I'm using the mythtv svn.
> The problems appeared after I wiped the DB clean and run the setup
> again.
> In the mysql query:
> ----
> query.prepare(
>        "SELECT startchan "
>        "FROM capturecard, cardinput "
>        "WHERE capturecard.cardid = cardinput.cardid AND "
>        "      capturecard.cardid = :CARDID          AND "
>        "      inputname          = :INPUTNAME");
> ---
> I think the "inputname" should be "defaultinput". That's at least found
> in the DB. After I changed the name, mythbackend found the starting
> channel correctly.
> But there's probably another bug somewhere (haven't found that yet)
> since LiveTv does not start. Backend gives the following log:
> ----
> TVRec(1) Error: Channel: '1' was not found in the database.
>                        Most likely, your DefaultTVChannel setting is
> wrong.
>                        Could not start livetv.
> ----

I wonder if that's the same problem I'm having with LiveTV and
switching to my DVB card.  It fails and I get:

TVRec(10) Error: Start channel '' invalid, setting to '804' on input
DVBInput instead.

in the logs.  There is in fact a valid channel value in the table for
that capture card.  This ONLY happens with LiveTV.  Scheduled
recordings work 100% of the time.

I was just about to dig deeper into it when I saw your email.

# Endaf
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