As I said before, I'm trying to help figure out what's broken.
If it can be fixed, then I'm all for it (and I'm doing rebuilds
now to try and see what happened).

I don't believe in "put up or shut up" -- if it's broken, someone
should say something, and people (including me) should try and help
fix it.  If open source and/or open project work revolved around
"put up or shut up" perspectives, much less would get done and
people would be afraid to give any feedback whatsoever.

Thanks for your enthusiastic response, however.  


On Wed, 29 Dec 2004, Mike Matsuzaki wrote:
|>Hey, I got an idea.
|>Make your own Howto guide!
|>Jarod's guide has been a life-saving resource for many of us.  If you
|>have any better ideas where to start.  Put up or shut up.
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