On Tue, 01 Feb 2005 10:07:54 -0800, Chris Petersen
> Not that I know of.  but someone will in a few minutes.  In anticipation
> of this, I've moved the letter off of my DSL line to something that can
> hopefully handle the bandwidth:
> http://www.sphereux.com/mythtv-nyt/
> -Chris
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> mythtv-users@mythtv.org
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If there is anyone following this thread and is thinking that a
mountain is being made out of a mole hill, and won't be signing the
petition, I'd like to just point out one paragraph from the article:

"The members of the MythTV community, who now do not have to pay
monthly fees to rent set-top boxes or digital video recorders, have
plenty of more mischievous company in trying to outwit the television
industry. Millions of viewers are now watching illegal copies of
television programs - even full seasons copied from popular DVD's -
that are flitting about the Internet, thanks to other new programs
that allow users to upload and download the large files quickly. And
entrepreneurial souls are busily concocting even newer applications,
including one that searches the Internet for illegal copies of any
television shows you may desire and automatically downloads them to
your computer."

What the hell is the author thinking?  We start this paragraph with a
statement about MythTV users not paying for "set-top boxes or digital
video recorders".  The authors then walk from there, with one step, to
imply that we installed MythTV so that we could download illegal shows
to watch.  WTF?

Okay, so I'll admit, I only skimmed the article the first time.  I
just went back and read it and was appalled that the NYT could get is
so very wrong.

Anyway, please sign the petition.  It's a small gesture, and may never
result in anything.  But, in the spirit of Pedro, "If you sign the
petition, your wildest dreams will come true".


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