Brad Benson wrote:
On Sun, 13 Feb 2005 17:17:53 -0500, Gabe Rubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I ran into this exact same problem.  It appears to be related to the
redhat-artwork package.  What I had to do was remove redhat-artwork
and all packages that depend on it.  Then, go to www.rpmfind.net and
download the redhat-artwork rpm for Fedora Core 2 Updates and install
it.  Then you should be able to reinstall KDE and all the other
packages that were removed with redhat-artwork.  After that is
complete you should be able to do a normal apt-get for the bleeding qt


I have run into this problem, and have no gdm. I am not concerned about KDE as I use ratpoison, but my login is from xdm now, which does not appear to have auto-login (and I have no keyboard plugged into the box).

I am curious, should I just remove redhat-artwork via apt-get remove,
install from the rpm, and then reinstall gdm?  I am using FC1, so do
not know if that will conflict with the FC2 packages.

I had the exact same problem - removing redhat-artwork wanted to remove gdm which I needed for autologin. You are correct that xdm does not support autologin. I am also running FC1 and the FC2 package for redhat-artwork doesn't seem to be causing any problems for me so far. I performed exactly the steps that you are asking about - remove redhat-artwork via apt-get, install the redhat-artwork FC2 rpm individually and then use apt-get to reinstall gdm and any other needed packages that were removed. FYI, I believe my apt-get remove of redhat-artwork also removed xine, xine-libs and mplayer so check what it's removing so you know what you need to reinstall. Also, when apt-get removes the gdm package it will save your gdm.conf as /etc/X11/gdm/gdm.conf.rpmsave. When you reinstall gdm make sure to copy gdm.conf.rpmsave to gdm.conf so your gdm config will remain intact.

I am trying to do the same, but when reinstalling the uninstalled kde packages, I get an error for kdemultimedia:
error: unpacking of archive failed: cpio: lstat failed - Input/output error

That even happens, when I do download and install kdemultimedia from rpmfind, instead of using apt.

Any idea?



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