Kyle Rose wrote:

>> Is it not more appropriate to have this communication via a web
>> based forum? I am sure there are some people who prefer email lists
>> to web fora.
>> What are the problems with doing this?
> How about the fact that there are many of us who prefer mailing lists
> to web forums?

Well, there's no reason there can't be both, with posts to the forum sent to the list and vice versa.
That's really what I was suggesting.

However, I can't find a service on the web that does this. I know there are free web forum s/w systems that do have email list gateways though.

> But, by all means, go set up your own web forum for MythTV
> discussion. I assure you that you will find many people who agree
> with you in the list archives, which you should have searched before
> you brought this up.
> Sorry to be an asshole,

Apology accepted.

> but every time I hear someone imply, "I don't like the way this
> works, so you should all adjust to what I prefer," I can't help but
> be irritated at the selfishness. I don't think this is unreasonable.

If you read what I said, you'll see that I didn't say that at all. Perhaps you read the logic of some of it in reverse and added your own attitude to boot.

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