--- Isaac Richards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, quit bitching and just use cvs.

Which brings up a question.

Why even HAVE releases like 0.17 if there is no
attempt to make them "stable" for those who wish to
use their MythTv boxes like an appliance?  Projects
ordinarily try to make a stable release for those who
don't want to be on the bleeding edge of progress.  If
the answer is always "use CVS" then why is there a
release at all?

I've started to help out on KnoppMyth a little, where
Cecil and Dale are trying to get out R5.  Now a
situation like this comes along, where the "release"
has a snafu.  What should they do?  Use the latest CVS
for KnoppMyth on whatever day they cut their R5 image?
 How do people even know what they're getting?  "Well,
it's kind of like 0.17, but it's the snapshot taken on
Feb. 21."

Stable releases are a good thing, CVS is not the
answer for everybody.

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