I was one of those complaining people on this list too (about the PVR350). Well.... around Christmas I took a chance and installed the latest ckennedy IVTV drivers (at the time it was 0.3.2a I think - and h MythTV recommended the older 0.1.9 driver I think). Now I'm very happy. Up until yesterday I've been running MythTV 0.16 and the backend would never ever freeze and maybe the front end had a hickup once every two weeks or so (just died dropping back to X but, even so, its important that the IVTV and X framebuffer driver never once failed on me).

I can see reasons to not use the PVR350 output (stuck with the MPEG2 playback only) but it works so well and the quality is very good that it seems like a really good choice.


BTW Pre-Christmas I had lots of things not working right (mostly backend / X crashing) and I was about to throw the MythTV box out the window - then I found that the new 160GB hard drive I'd purchased was a bit of a dud - one night I heard it going tick-a-tick-a-tick-a-tick which copped me on to the problem. I'm not sure if it was this or the later IVTV driver, or both, or neither that was my problem but I have a feeling that that dud hard drive ate up a lot of hours on me.

Donavan Stanley wrote:

On Wed, 23 Feb 2005 21:29:00 -0500, Rick Ingersoll <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am still having the problem with the pvr-350 freezing after wathcing
through the decoder for a while.

*sigh* folks, I know using the 350 output is an attractive option but 10 mintues with the mailing list archives would show you that it's not worth the hassle. The drivers are flakey for one.

Can anyone help me?

Sure, use the 350 for recording and an nVidia card for display.


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