> how about sharing the locations of the commercials?
> would need a way of accurately setting time - or a hash of the frames
> a bit like cddb - somebody does an accurate commerical cut and then sends it
> to a central repository
> now that would be cool

You must be on the same wave length of me and my friends. We where
recently talking about this functionality, so only the first person
mark commercials (manual, ie, not auto flagged) and submit their
locations to the network. Then everyone else has perfectly commercial
free viewing. For any time that show ever airs, it's likely to be the
same too.

THE MAN would definitely dislike this idea, and IANAL, but I certainly
can't seeing it being illegal. There's no obligation to watching
commercials or using any sort of technology to skip them, as far as I

Issac already expressed he doesn't want any technology that's central
server centric (ala Napster was), at least that's the way I understood
his post about that. Maybe I misunderstood.

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