On Fri, 04 Mar 2005 08:33:34 -0700, Shawn Willden 

> That means that it's *very* important right now that everyone who cares
> about this issue be pushing the meme that it *should* be okay to copy
> broadcast TV shows (as long as you're not doing it commercially, or for
> "group" showings -- I think those are reasonable restrictions).  We need
> to make sure that every American "knows" that it's okay so that when the
> question goes back to Congress, we'll have some support.

i still don't quite get this.  if i invite 20 ppl over to watch 'Lost'
on Weds night isn't that a group showing?  i'm not profiting, peddling
or gaining in any way other than enjoying a show with a 'group' of
and if group showing is illegal then how do sports bars and public
places with televisions playing get away with it?  when i go to Smoky
Bones BBQ for dinner i see several tvs playing various programs and
there is definitely a large group there.  or is that ok as long as it
isn't prerecorded?
and if that's the case then won't renting movies from Blockbuster
become illegal if i'm there picking out a movie with my family?  it
will be a group viewing when we get home...
unemployment should virtually disappear in the next couple years
because everyone will be able to get a job in some area of law
inforcement so that there are enough officers to enforce this

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