The nice thing about gentoo is it doesn't hide how things work as much
as say ones with graphical tools to do most stuff.  Compiling is
becoming faster all the time as hardware improves, and its even possible
to build an entire new distribution in the background, should you want
to start from scratch.  To do that you tend to need to create something

/hda1 boot  ~20MB
/hda2 swap  ~1GB
/hda3 tmp   ~5GB
/hda5 root1 ~15GB
/hda6 root2 ~15GB 
/hda7 home - rest of space

then boot to either the os on 5 or 6 depending.  Of course I didn't do
it last time I built this machine and now kind of wish I did since you
can built the entire OS cleanly to get everything tidy then test it and
configure it _before_ abandoning your regular one.

Of course its not as if you have to reinstall often, but sometimes
things seem a little cleaner to do a clean compile and  if you nice the
process it doesn't really slow things down much.

, and its even 

On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 19:05 -0700, Blammo wrote:
> Fedora for me. I've tried Knopp with zero success (stability, etc)
> over the longer term. I try Knoppmyth out every new release, and
> always end up going back to Fedora.
> Serious Nod to Jarod, I couldn't have done my first Fedora install
> without his guide.
> On Tue, 8 Mar 2005 21:40:44 -0400, Greg Estabrooks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I just wanted to see what distro a lot of you are using for your myth
> > > boxen currently.
> > 
> >  Slackware on all my machines and on the 15 or so myth boxes I've setup for
> > people.
> > 
> > 
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