On Tue, Mar 08, 2005 at 06:10:09PM -0600, Timothy Waters wrote:
> I just wanted to see what distro a lot of you are using for your myth
> boxen currently. I've been playing with it on Fedore Core 3 for a week
> or two and it's okay with MythTV. But then again, one bad up2date and
> Myth doesn't function well anymore. I'm thinking about doing another
> LFS install and staying a bit with that to really get into it.

I've used LFS in the past (but not for MythTV), but switched to Gentoo.  My
main interest in LFS was having a Linux system fully optimized for my
hardware; Gentoo does that with much less fuss.  LFS remains a decent
educational experience for learning what goes into a Linux system, how all
the pieces interact with each other, how it all works, etc.  Gentoo has
worked better for me from a maintainability standpoint, which could be a
better match for you if you want something (like a MythTV box) that will
Just Work.

 / v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
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