On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 08:55:15 +1100, Berry, David
> >
> > However, on my XBox I can't click on it.  I hit every button on my
> > XBox DVD Remote but I can't dismiss that box.  And since I don't have
> > a keyboard hooked up, the only thing I can do is to hard power-off my
> > XBox (or SSH into the XBox and issue a shutdown -r now).
> >
> > What do other users do?
> I have a process that watches the backend via this script
> #!/bin/sh
> logger Starting mythbackend as daemon process...
> echo "Backend is running" > /myth/backend.flag
> mythbackend --logfile /var/log/mythbackend.log
> logger "Mythbackend process has died - removing flag and sleep before
> restart."
> rm -f /myth/backend.flag
> sleep 1m
> When starting up, it creates the file backend.flag, if it crashes, it
> removes that flag.
> On the xBox, I have a cron job that checks for the existence of that
> flag (via a NFS share), if it's not there, it assumes the backend has
> crashed, and reboots itself.
> HTH.
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I have a cron job on my backend that does something similar (i.e.
monitors backend to see if it is running or not).  However, I'd be
interesting to take a peek at the XBox script.

The thing is that if you are watching a recording on the XBox, and the
backend dies, under your scheme, it would seem that the XBox would
mysteriously reboot itself.  Put if you play the .nuv video files
through an NFS mount, I think the frontend can continue to play the
file without an active backend.  So it would unnecessarily cause the
XBox to reboot.

It's interesting to see that the simple answer I was hoping for was
that someone had a way to click that stupid "OK" button, when the XBox
frontend reports that the connection to the master backend has been
lost.  But maybe there is no way?  Shouldn't hitting ENTER on the
keyboard do the trick?  And isn't the SELECT button on the XBox DVD
remote assigned to ENTER?  Why doesn't that work?
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