On Tuesday 05 April 2005 12:03, Brian J. Murrell wrote:
> On Tue, 2005-04-05 at 13:02 -0600, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Quick question.  How do you revert and rpm backwards?  rpm -ivh will not
> > do it
> Even though it's OT:  rpm -Uvh --oldpackage

Even better for FC3 users not using KDE Red Hat packages:

# apt-get install qt=1:3.3.3-8 qt-MySQL=1:3.3.3-8

If you are using KDE Red Hat packages, I think this will suffice:

# apt-get install qt=1:3.3.4-2.0.3.kde qt-MySQL=1:3.3.4-2.0.3.kde

For both cases, you may also need to add qt-devel to the list, if you have it 

The fact the older KDE Red Hat qt 3.3.4 works is additional evidence (to 
Isaac's working qt 3.3.4 on Debian) that the problem is a Red Hat patch to qt 
and not qt itself... Haven't looked into what exactly it is yet though.

Jarod Wilson

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