> Thanks for the info. I am assuming that if I go buy a box this
> afternoon that I will get a 1.6 version so I was being just a bit
> careful.

>From what I've seen, it seems like 1.4's 1.5 and 1.6s are still
available on store shelves.  However, since all versions (up to 1.6)
are currently soft-moddable, it shouldn't be a problem.

> A few more questions if I might. Mouse and keyboard?? For simplicity
> do they have to be M$ stuff? Looking at my kid's XBox I don't see
> anything except controller ports on the front and Ethernet and video
> on the back. I am assuming that the keyboard must plug into a
> controller port?

I'll try to answer this in the order I see it:

1) I did not need a mouse and keyboard attached to my XBox.  Once I
got Xebian installed, I did everything via SSH.

2) There are no Microsoft keyboards or mice *for the XBox*.  However,
in order to control MythTV, you will need a DVD Remote.  I had a third
party XBox DVD remote which I could not get to work; so I ended up
buying the offical Microsoft DVD Dongle kit.

3) The 4 controller ports on the front of the XBox are actually just
standard USB 1.1 ports with a different shaped connector and an extra
wire.  You can find many sites on the 'net that have instructions on
how to wire your own USB to XBox cable (or buy one).

> In the end it might be nice to do no keyboard at the TV and just turn
> on MythTV remotely from some other PC in the house. I.e. - COMMAND:
> Show The Daily Show on TV #3 and the program pops up using the XBox
> sitting at TV #3.

Generally remotely controlling the XBox from another PC can be done;
but I have no idea how to do it.  I recommend you get a DVD IR Remote
and control the MythTV frontend that way -- it is simpler for
end-users to work with and works 'out of the box'.
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