On 6/3/05, Daniel Segel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
What problems have you had? I'm starting to set this up, and so far xine
seems to be able to play DVD images (iso's) well, or at least it plays
the video well - I don't have sound configured correctly yet.


mogens lunde wrote:

> I have tried to play DVD's using my PVR-350 and both xine (as
> suggested by Jarod) and mplayer. Not very good.
> From other posts I have seen that the PVR-350 cannot play DVD's. Is
> this correct, or is there a workaround?

I am using John Harvey's patch from http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/ivtv/devel/20741 .. the PVR350 plays DVDs and videos using xine quite well now.

 - J


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