At 09:52 AM 8/3/2005, you wrote:

>>I have tv-out working nicely on my PVR-350. (FC3, Jarods Guide, P4, Intel
>>board etc). My problem is that I dont seem to be able to get the tuner to
>>I can create a test_capture.mpg using the command from the guide:
>>cat /dev/video0 > /tmp/test_capture.mpg
>>When I look at the file however I just get snow. Same thing with running
>>mplayer on the device. I can run ptune-ui and choose appropriate values
>>(Im in Sydney Australia using PAL) but it does not seem to make any
>>Any ideas on how I can track this one down? What files should I
>>concentrate >on and/or info should I post to help narrow down the issue?

>You've  got channels in the OSG? you have your video source set to use

This I do not know. (Am pretty new to the whole MythTV thing). How do I

I am having some issues getting mythfilldatabase to work but given that I am
trying these tests on the command line I figured that this probably isn't a
problem (yet).


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