Dave wrote:

On 8/23/05, Mark Gardner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can anyone comment on the quality comparison between the two
abovementioned chipsets?

Advantages / Disadvantages, I have a 350 and have struggled on and off
now for about 5 months to get it to work (Got it to work once but then
the HD died).
Mostly interested in quality of TV playback.

After using the PVR-350 for a year and a half, I've recently started
to transition to the NVidia 5200, solely b/c of HD compatibility.


I'm pretty disappointed by the dramatic the difference between the
two, I expected the two outputs to "similar" like most people mention.

My FX5200 is terrible compared to my PVR 350. No contest. Maybe these people either:

1.) Have terrible TVs
2.) Use the DVI output on the FX5200?

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin

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