On Thu, 25 Aug 2005 17:06:42 +1000, Brett Grice wrote:
> My order of preference after testing quite a lot of different wm's with
> myth :-
> 1. No window Manager (Difficult to get working properly but I find the
> most stable.)
> 2. fvwm2
> 3. MWM
> 3. ICEwm
> 4. Afterstep
> 5. Blackbox
> 5. Fluxbox
> 6. MetaCity
> 7. BADWm
> 8. Xfce
> 9. KDE
> 10.Gnome

Can't believe you haven't listed ratpoison there. Very lightweight,
supports Xrandr, and importantly for a mouseless machine, is entirely
keyboard driven. Almost feels like it was written for
myth and I'd certainly prefer it to no window manager (which can have
focus issues sometimes).



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