On Fri, 2005-09-09 at 14:16 -0300, Kyle Kelly wrote:
> I seem to remember reading somewhere that qt4 has support for installing 
> without the gui functionality, and that this could possibly be used to 
> make mythbackend not require X when it is eventually ported to qt4.

Well there is that too.  The Gnu folks got this right a long time ago
when they separated glib and gtk.

But that is not really what I mean.  What I am saying is that X is way
too big a hammer for the job.  DirectFB is much better suited at the
kind of space that Myth is in -- the STB.  But that would take QT being
able to run on DirectFB which AFAIK it does not.  :-(  QT-Embedded (or
whatever it is) is too far in the other direction.  It does not have
hardware acceleration (and other video card) suport that DirectFB has.


My other computer is your Microsoft Windows server.

Brian J. Murrell

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