I'm trying to get a mythtv box set up for my Mom. She has a DirecTv with a D10-300 receiver.
I finally found the low-speed data port in the back of the D10-300, hidden by a black 
sticker ... but has anyone actually gotten the D10-300 change channels using this port?  
I've seen mention on some other lists that the DirecTv firmware is purposely 
"broken" to prevent this port from being used.  Supposedly this is different 
from the d10-100 or other models that are known to work. Before I buy or solder a serial 
cable, can anyone confirm that it will work with the D10-300.

I already tried a USB-UIRT (before I found the secret port ;) but it seemingly does not 
pick up the signals from the DirecTV remote. It picks up signals from other remotes just 
fine, but to "learn" how to transmit signals for the DirecTV, I obviously have 
to get it to see the DirecTV remote.

If the D10-300 data port cannot be made to work, can anyone suggest an 
easy-to-set up hardware solution for this (given my embarassing failure with 
the USB-UIRT).... would it be easiest if I buy Mom a new satellite recever, and 
if so, which one is guaranteed to work?

I assume you're talking about changing channels.

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