On Tue, 2005-09-27 at 12:54 -0400, John P. Hoke wrote:

> I have had good luck with outpost.com lately, seagate 400gb drives
> with rebates ... 

This is way OT, but a word of warning: watch out for rebates. It is very
easy for them to just deny paying the rebate, and unless you very
carefully documented every rebate offer you sent in, making copies of
everything and keeping careful track of which receipts went with which
rebate, you're kind of screwed. And doing all that administrative work
is more hassle than a $10 rebate is worth (at least to me it is). Even
then they can deny an appeal. I had one rebate denied (on a Seagate disk
drive, which makes it relevant to this thread) because they claimed that
the original sales receipt was required. Since I already sent them the
original, my appeal was also denied because the receipt I sent on appeal
wasn't the original. The companies that administer the rebates for them
make a lot more money the fewer rebates they actually pay out, so there
is a strong motivation for them to pull this kind of crap. And now, of
course, there is no way for me to prove that I already did send them the
original, and since I no longer have it, I can't send it to them now.

I hate rebates and avoid them like the plague.


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