>>> "Todd Houle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 10/04/05 8:35 AM >>>
> My wife likes to channel-surf instead of using the program guide 
> when watching live tv.  However, with Myth, there's a one or 
> two second delay when changing channels.  I guess so myth 
> can clean up the temp recording..?  So channel-hopping 
> doesn't work very well.  Any idea what's
> up with that delay or what I can do about it?
> Thanks
>   Todd

Your wife needs to change her surfing habits.  There 
is no getting around the fact that the ringbuffer has 
to be deleted and the new one has to be created.

You have two choices - Guide mode or Browse mode.
I'm pretty comfortable with either, my wife has 
started leaning towards the guide.  What 
would be nice in the guide mode is if you could 
enter the channel number in and jump right to 
that point in the guide.


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