Is anyone seriously using firewire input with a dct-6200 receiver reliably? I just got mine working a few days ago and when it's working, it's great. However, more often than not, recordings come up short or the channel doesn't change. It hasn't made it through an hour long recording yet without the backend saying:

Firewire: No Input in 15 seconds [P:0 N:1] (select)

Then the recording stops. If anyone has any experience with this, I'd appreciate a pointer to the component that may be giving me problems. Is it the receiver, mythtv, linux, or my cheap firewire card?

An exhaustive net search brought back similar problems and suggested using broadcast instead of point-to-point, which I did. No improvement.



Mythtv: latest SVN version
Linux: 2.6.13
Motorola DCT-6200
Firewire card with VIA chipset ($20 card)

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