David Whyte wrote:

On 10/14/05, Jules Gosnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Can anyone lend a hand ? Maybe I am seeing the interaction of several
related issues ?

A wild stab in the dark, but could it be anything to do with TS and/or
PS? You haven't changed your recording card to use on or the other
have you?  I am not sure how that could affect it though, but it was
the first thing to come to my head :|

I've no idea what it does - but am pretty sure that I haven't changed the setting. If it was something like that then I could expect all new recordings to have the same problem, couldn't I. whereas it is just the occasional recording that i have trouble with. I had one recording where all the stuff preceding the programme I was recording was fine, then, as soon as the programme itself started, all the audio problems started as well... Perhaps it is some interaction between what is broadcast (can different parts of a DVB broadcast be encoded differently ?) and how it is played ?


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