Dag Nygren wrote:

Alex Cruz wrote:

Truly, I was blaming the antenna and all sorts of things until I discovered Kaffeine doesn't suffer nearly as bad as myth. Kaffeine only show a glitch very occasionally. Other TV's and digital set top boxes in my house show virtually flawless pictures (we have a good strong signal), but I did hear some stories that the twinhan cards used to need a very strong signal, but then again I also read that the newer ones, like my mini ter card, are a lot better. Anyway, if Kaffeine, on the same machine, can show a nice clean picture, then I think the rules out signal problems (or does it?).

Hi Alex,

No idea why your kaffeine picture is better but I was fighting about
a year with the Twinhan VisionPlus DVB-T card until I finally called the
reseller and he suggested swapping the card to another. We did that and the
reception have been absolutely flawless.
Seems like there is a big difference in the sensitivity of the tuner on those
Yes I have heard this. Maybe I should buy a divico card or some other brand. Strange about Kaffeine being a lot better. It's not that Kaffeine NEVER shows a glitch, but it's a LOT rarer. Maybe the Xine video processing is just better at handling errors in the stream.
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