It truely sounds like bad signal reception. On old police scanners there's a "squelsh" setting to tell the radio at what signal/noise level to cut audio to the speaker. I remeber one setting in Myth that has to do with something that could be compareable to this illustrative example. My guessing is that Kaffaiene by default uses a better, for you case, "squelsh" setting.

This is just plain guessing but I can clearly see the similarity between what you describe and my police radio example...

At 14:07 2005-10-18, you wrote:
Niels Dybdahl wrote:

    > As for picture quality in LiveTV and recording, what I
    >am watching is acceptable for non-HD television.

    What is frustrating is that the picture from my DVB card is excellent,
    even in myth when it's not glitching.   Myth must be using it
    differently to Kaffeine (which uses Xine) as obviously the drivers
    hardware are still the same.

Maybe it is a question of deinterlacing ?
You do not describe the differences, that you observe, so it is hard to help...

Niels Dybdahl
You are right, I only described it in a previous posting.

What I see is a sudden patch of digital noise / pixelisation, often associated with a chirping sound in the audio. This might happen every few seconds for a while then go away for a minute or two, only to return randomly. Also it is of various severities, sometimes just a minor fuzzy pixel patch, sometime a large streak of random colour pixels. Sometimes the audio just skips a bit, other times it is a very loud noise burst.

Does that sound like anything you've seen before?
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