... fortunately this has not happened (yet!) but I am preparing for the worst.

Jarod's MythTV guide recommends LVM as an option to create nice and
big MythTV partitions. I followed the guide and have recently added
another 250G to my original drive with Mytbtv-users help.

A hard drive failure on my Windows computer got me thinking. If one of
the drives in the LVM group dies, what happens? Does the whole
partition go down? Do you only lose files that were stores on the LVM

Better yet, if a drive dies, how do you replace it? DO you have to
Shrink the LVM and do stuff with it, or just pop in a new drive and it
automatically works?

LVM seems like a great idea, but now that I have set it up, I am
worried that 1 drive failig will result in the loss of 2 drives of

Any input would be appreciated!

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