--- Tom Lichti wrote:
> >On Tue, Nov 01, 2005 at 09:49:30PM -0500, Tom
> Lichti wrote:
> >>Can you post your /etc/apt/sources.list please? I
> can't seem to get all 
> >>dependencies met, specifically libqt3c102-mt.
> >>    
> >>
> >
> >That package has caused me no end of grief.  Debian
> ("testing", I 
> >think) has decided to drop support for the XFree86
> xserver and have 
> >transition packages in place to force people to
> switch to XOrg (ie: 
> >you ask for one server but get the other).  As part
> of that forced 
> >upgrade, libqt3c102-mt has been replaced by
> libqt3-mt.  The new 
> >libqt3-mt is not backwards compatible (according to
> the 
> >depends/provides list).  Similarly, rather than
> creating an in-place 
> >upgrade for MythTV, the libqt3-mt version is a
> whole new package that 
> >conflicts with the libqt3c102-mt version, requiring
> you to uninstall 
> >MythTV before the upgrade and then reinstall
> afterwards.  So far only 
> >the core MythTV packages (front, back, common, doc,
> database and web) 
> >are available, so after the upgrade you don't have
> mythvideo, 
> >mythdvd, etc.
> >
> >My back-end and mythweb server are working just
> fine, but the XBox 
> >doesn't have a video driver for XOrg and my desktop
> machine (Radeon 
> >card) runs everything else and handles the MythTV
> menus OK but locks 
> >the machine up solid if I try to watch any
> recordings.  The backend 
> >machine can't run nuvexport as it gets into a loop
> waiting for 
> >mythtranscode to setup the fifos.  I don't have any
> idea what that's 
> >all about.
> >  
> >
> Well that kind of sucks. I guess my Xbox will just
> be for games then, 
> since if it's not fully functional as a Myth
> frontend, then it's not 
> useful at all.
> Darn it.
I'm using my xBox as a fully functional mythfrontend,
except for the remote control which I can't seem to
get working at the moment.

It was fairly easy using Gentoo, although I had a near
vertical learning curve to implement a diskless xBox
mythfrontend where I leave the HDD untouched to ensure
that I can still play native games.

It's very early days, I just completed the project
last night, but I don't expect any problems.  My wife
was out of town for the past couple of weeks and this
was a surprise for her.  A couple of days ago I had
thought that I wouldn't be able to complete it but
everything came together when I switched from a 2.4.31
to a kernel.  I have only slept an average of
4 hours per night for the past week and a half but
it's finally done and I'm sure she'll be very happy
with it.  If only I could get that lirc working!

|    o                                              |
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|(_)>(_)                                            |
|Ben Dash                                           |
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