In the current case, the installer defaults to behavior that will
cause the machine to livelock and explode if the user has the bad
luck to leave the UI on the wrong screen and go to bed.  Whoops.

P.S.  The current installer's default of such a large ringbuffer and
ext2 (ext3?) also has the problem that trying to switch away from live
TV back into the UI can take a -very- long time---apparently the
ringbuffer is deleted immediately

Yes I noticed that delay as well.

(hey! but what if I wanted to finish
watching something after doing something in the UI! now it's -gone-!),
but deleting 12GB in that filesystem takes something like a second per
GB, at least, even on fast hardware, because of all the disk thrashing
that's required.  The first time this happened to me (while testing
the above behavior), I was wondering if the machine was -again- wedged,
until the UI finally reappeared.

Maybe a "Please wait..."  message would help?

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