--- chris wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 09, 2005 at 08:36:09AM -0800, Ben Dash
> wrote:
> > Could someone please explain to me how overscan
> works?
> There's two types of overscan...
> > I'm using the nv driver for my xBox and the top of
> the
> > displayed screen is a little narrower than the
> bottom,
> > i.e. the bottom reaches the screen edge and the
> top is
> > inset a little.
> Positioning problems are more properly fixed by
> altering the modeline 
> timings to reduce the retrace delay.  If you apply a
> constant overscan, 
> by the time you get the top of the image to the top
> of the screen you 
> will lose far too much off the bottom of the image. 
> I don't know if 
> the XBox driver supports custom modelines or not.

Good advice.  I found this page noting a whole load of
modeline options and will try some out tonight:



|    o                                              |
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|Ben Dash                                           |
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